Sacramento City Unified School District
Sacramento City Unified School District
SEIU 1021 staff and member leaders are working hard to safeguard your health at work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to find employer-specific information, details, and documents to learn more about what’s happening in your worksite during this outbreak.
Download the Sacramento City USD Ext. Agreement (2025-06-30)
Download the Sacramento City Unified School District CBA 2011-2017
Download the Sacramento City Unified School District CBA Ext. Agreement (2017-2020)
Download the Sacramento City Unified School District Proposed MOU on Vaccine Testing (Aug. 2021)
Download the Sacramento City Unified School District Bus Drivers MOU (April 2023)
Sacramento USD Summer Custodial Work MOU (2024-05-29)
Sacramento City USD Chapter Bylaws
Strike Update: You Are Showing Up in Force & We Are Winning. HOLD THE LINE TILL WE BRING IT HOME!
All SEIU 1021 members should report to the picket lines outside their worksite 45 minutes BEFORE the beginning of business Friday, April 1. We will rally at the Serna Center again at 11am.
Strike Day 7: On César Chávez Day, SCUSD Classified Staff Implore Sup. Aguilar, Son of Farmworkers, to Stop Union-Busting and Reach an Agreement to Remedy the Staffing Crisis
Despite using his farmworker parents as part of his story, Aguilar has continuously disrespected his lowest-paid employees and currently seems to hope they will get desperate enough to give up the fight for dignified wages–even though it would cost the Di
Contact: Jennie Smith-Camejo,, (710) 510-0201
STRIKE UPDATE: Because of You, We’re Making Progress. We Must Keep Holding the Line Until We Get the Respect We Deserve.
All SEIU 1021 members should report to the picket lines outside their worksite 45 minutes BEFORE the beginning of business Thursday, March 31. We will rally at the Serna Center again at 11am.
Strike Update: SEIU 1021 and SCTA Negotiations Teams March into Serna Center, Demanding the District Bring Serious Proposals to End Strike Today
On the eve of Cesar Chavez Day, Superintendent Aguilar, son of farmworkers, persists in trying to break school bus drivers, custodians, cafeteria workers, and other low-wage employees as kids remain out of school and families scramble.
Contact: Jennie Smith-Camejo, (510) 710-0201,
Sac City Educators Strike Day 6: SEIU 1021 Still Waiting for District’s Counterproposals; SCUSD Shifts SCTA Negotiations into Reverse
Educators, classified staff, parents and community supporters to hold rally TODAY, 11 am, Serna Center
Contact: SCTA Jamie Horwitz, 202-549-4921 (cell),
SEIU 1021 Jennie Smith-Camejo, 510-710-0201,
Strike Update: Sac City Unified District Continues to Disrespect Lowest-Paid Workers as Schools Stay Closed
The only proposal the District offered classified staff today was the exact same one they presented Saturday, with a new date on it
Today, as the strike of Sacramento Unified School District classified staff and educators stretched into its second week, hopes of being able to reach a fair, equitable agreement with District management were dashed when SCUSD’s bargaining team showed up to negotiations with no new counterproposals.
Strike Update: Sac City Unified District Continues to Disrespect Lowest-Paid Workers as Their Hardships Mount and Schools Stay Closed
The only proposal the District offered classified staff today was the exact same one they presented Saturday, with a new date on it
March 28, 2022
Contact: Jennie Smith-Camejo, (510) 710-0201,
Today, as the strike of Sacramento Unified School District classified staff and educators stretched into its second week, hopes of being able to reach a fair, equitable agreement with District management were dashed when SCUSD’s bargaining team showed up to negotiations with no new counterproposals.
Our Strike Continues Monday
Our bargaining team is waiting for counterproposals from SCUSD management
All SEIU 1021 members should report to the picket
lines outside their worksite 45 minutes BEFORE the beginning of
business Monday, March 28.
After a full day of pushing Sacramento City Unified School
District to provide counterproposals to address the District’s
classified staffing crisis by retaining and recruiting workers to
fill the 400 vacant classified positions, the SEIU 1021
bargaining team has requested that the District return to the
table at 10am tomorrow morning.
Strike Update: SCUSD Shows Up to Bargaining with SEIU 1021 Unprepared; Refuses to Negotiate with SEIU and SCTA at Same Table
SEIU 1021 will be waiting for the District to come back to the table with counterproposals to reach a deal after its meeting with SCTA this afternoon
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Contact: Jennie Smith-Camejo, (510) 710-0201,
Strike Update: SEIU 1021 Met with District Today; Has Submitted Counterproposals to District and Requested to Negotiate Again Tomorrow
Saturday, March 26, 4pm
Contact: Jennie Smith-Camejo, 510-710-0201,
SEIU 1021 SCUSD Strike Update 3/26/22
Friday, March 26, the SEIU 1021 Sacramento City Unified School District bargaining team once again requested that the District join us at the bargaining table. We asked them to join us Saturday morning at 10am. We shared our request for them to join us with media, in hopes of pushing them to respond to our request rather than ignoring it as they have ignored all of our requests to bargain since March 17.
Here is a brief strike update as of 9:30am on Saturday, March 26.
Sac City Educators & School Workers Strike DAY THREE: Striking Educators & Staff Hit the Street
Today, Friday, March 25, beginning at 11am, Caesar Chavez Park, across from City Hall, teachers, school staff, parents, and community supporters to rally and march in downtown Sacramento
Friday, March 25, 2022
Contact: SCTA Jamie Horwitz, 202-549-4921 (cell),
SEIU 1021: Jennie Smith-Camejo 510-710-0201,
HOLD THE LINE! District Management Still Refuses to Negotiate. Our Strike Continues.
Thank you to everyone who has been holding the picket
lines for the last two days, and who has come out to our powerful
rallies with SCTA. United with parents, students,
and other community members, we have come together by the
thousands to deliver a resounding message too loud
for Superintendent Aguilar and the school board to
DAY TWO Sacramento City Schools Staff & Educators Strike: Strike Continues. No New Talks Scheduled.
Teachers, school staff, parents and community supporters to rally Thurs., 11 am, at the Sacramento County Office of Education (near Mather Field)
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Contact: SCTA Jamie Horwitz, 202-549-4921 (cell),
SEIU Jennie Smith-Camejo 510-710-0201,
SACRAMENTO –A strike by 4,600 Sacramento teachers and other school workers, members of the Sacramento City Teachers Association and SEIU Local 1021, enters its second day Thursday. No contract talks were held on Wednesday and no talks have been scheduled.
Sac City Schools Educators & Staff Go on Strike
Negotiators for SCUSD refuse to address key issues on the bargaining table related to staffing and student needs. Members of both the Sacramento City Teachers Association and SEIU Local 1021 will be on the picket lines and not in school today.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wed., March 23, 2022
Contact: SCTA Jamie Horwitz, 202-549-4921 (cell),
SEIU 1021 Jennie Smith-Camejo 510-710-0201,
Our Joint Strike with SCTA Starts Tomorrow, Wednesday 3/23. Here’s What You Need to Know.
Our strike with our union sisters and brothers of Sacramento City
Teachers Association starts tomorrow morning.
While a strike is always a last resort, SCUSD management’s
refusal to negotiate in good faith a contract that will address
the staffing crisis in our district by retaining and recruiting
employees has left us no other choice.
Advice to educators, staff, and parents: Prepare for a strike.
“The district’s actions make it look inevitable.”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, March 22, 2022
SCTA: Jamie Horwitz, 202-549-4921 (cell),; SEIU 1021: Jennie Smith-Camejo 510-710-0201,
Sac City Unified Schools Staff & Educators Strike
Here's What You Need to Know & Where to Go to Support!
SEIU 1021 members along with the educators of Sacramento City Teachers Association (SCTA) have been on strike since Wednesday, March 23, as District management continues to ignore its role in its staffing crisis and negotiate a fair contract that will retain and recruit staff.
Watch our 3/26/22 9:30am update on where negotiations stand here.
Our Joint Strike with SCTA Is Set to Begin Next Wednesday, March 23
Big thanks to the hundreds of you who came out to our rally with
our union sisters and brothers from SCTA at the school board
yesterday. Between our two unions and a fantastic outpouring of
support from parents, community members, and other Sacramento
area union members, we had roughly 2,500 people in attendance.
Wow! What a show of force! We are so strong
together. Check
out photos from the rally on Facebook here!
TOMORROW: Hundreds of SCUSD Educators and School Staff Joined by Parents and Community Supporters to Rally for Adequate Staffing, Support for Students and Fair Contracts
Every day 3,000 SCUSD students go without a substitute teacher and nearly 600 students go without any instruction due to a lack of independent study instructors.
Contact: Jennie Smith-Camejo, SEIU 1021,, (510) 710-0201
Jamie Horwitz,, (202) 549-4921