Alameda County - SSA

SEIU 1021

UPDATED 9/27/2023


Only one position is contested and will be voted on:

Vice President Unit 5: 

  • Carlotta R. Bell
  • Cynthia Landry

Cynthia Landry’s candidate statement is attached.  Carlotta Bell did not provide a candidate statement.

All other officer positions had only one nominee, and are considered elected by acclimation. Those officers are:


Alameda County members win a new contract after long fight

On Wednesday, April 26, Alameda County workers made it official and voted to ratify their new contract, with 95% YES votes. This followed a lengthy bargaining campaign that started in July of 2022 with the election of a bargaining team and featured near-constant countywide actions, from rallies and marches and unity breaks to petitions, packing the Board of Supervisors meetings to make public comment, and spreading their message with billboards and bus ads.


UPDATED Tentative Agreement Info Sessions AND FULL VOTE SCHEDULE
In-person worksite and remote sessions by Zoom both available

If you have questions about the historic Tentative Agreement your elected bargaining team has signed with County management, come to one of our info sessions! We have Zoom sessions scheduled between April 11 and April 18, and a full slate of in-person sessions at worksites across the county as well. Keep an eye on for updates on the in-person sessions.

You can click the links below to RSVP for a Zoom schedule that works for you. Each two-hour Zoom meeting will consist of two one-hour sessions, so you can attend at a time that works for you.


Tentative Agreement Summary
Between SEIU Local 1021 and Alameda County -- UPDATED April 19

NOTE: The detailed email update that was sent to Alameda County work email addresses incorrectly identified the email as being from “SEIU 1021 Alameda County BHCS Chapter”. This was an error: The email was from SEIU Local 1021. We apologize for the error.

Late in the night on Thursday, March 30, after a massive informational picket outside the Board of Supervisors, your elected bargaining team came to a comprehensive Tentative Agreement (TA) with Alameda County.


We Have a Tentative Agreement!
After Our Massive Info Picket, Late On Thursday Night, Our Elected Bargaining Team Signed a TA with Alameda County!

It took months of bargaining, and multiple actions all across the County, but we now have a TA with Alameda County!

This agreement addresses our core issues and will allow us to recruit, to retain, and to Staff Up Alameda County. Look out for more details via email and on

The three-year contract includes:


When We Fight, We WIN!

On Tuesday, March 14, more than 100 of us marched on the Board of Supervisors and demanded they fix Alameda County’s staffing crisis. The following Thursday, we signed some big Tentative Agreements and management improved their healthcare proposal.

New Tentative Agreements

  • Holidays: We kept Lincon’s Birthday!
  • Improved sick leave, with better review and more days for sick family members

We are still working on wages, longevity, telework, and more!


As Alameda County’s staffing crisis continues, county workers march on the Board of Supervisors to demand a solution

To protest Alameda County administration’s failure to act urgently to fill its 2,611 vacant positions – nearly 25% of the entire County workforce – more than 100 County workers marched on the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, March 14, at noon. Workers from SEIU 1021, IFPTE Local 21, and IBT 856 all took the chambers, chanting “Staff up!  Alameda County!” for several minutes before workers delivered powerful testimony to the board.


Our Solidarity Is Getting Results
Now It’s Time to Turn Up the Heat!

SEIU 1021 leaders march from Lake Merritt Amphitheater to 1221 Oak St. on February 13 with a letter demanding the Board of Supervisors Staff Up Alameda County.

After our massive rally on Lincoln’s Birthday, the County has improved their proposals on a number of issues, including wages, bilingual pay, and shift differentials. 

However, they still want to raise healthcare costs, and their wage proposals still leave Alameda County wages behind other comparable jurisdictions, which will mean our recruitment and retention problems will continue. Plus, even after seeing hundreds of people rally, they still want to eliminate Lincoln’s birthday as a holiday!


Hundreds of Alameda County workers and community members picket to say “STAFF UP NOW!”

On Monday, February 13, hundreds of Alameda County workers and community members rallied at Lake Merritt Amphitheater to protest the county’s nearly 25% vacancy rate, with 2,611 unfilled positions.

The rally started with a moment of silence for Richard Valle, a longtime champion of labor and progressive causes across the East Bay, who recently passed away. The workers planted flags to represent the 2,611 vacancies, and marched to 1221 Oak St. to deliver a letter demanding the Board of Supervisors solve the staffing crisis.


Year-End Bargaining Update
Where We Are Now

As we head into the holiday season, your elected SEIU 1021 bargaining team wants to provide you a comprehensive update on contract negotiations. 

The last bargaining session before the holiday took place on December 20th. We will meet again with management on January 5th. We want everyone to have a relaxing and enjoyable holiday break with friends and family because when we resume negotiations in 2023, we are going to have to fight for a fair contract that helps County workers and residents.


Is Alameda County Serious?
After two months of bargaining, they still aren’t listening to workers’ concerns.

SEIU 1021’s bargaining team has met more than a dozen times with Alameda County management, and only on Thursday, December 1, did the County bother to put any wages at all on the table, more than two months after we passed a wage proposal.

Their opening three-year wage offer is lower than the 8.6% nationwide Consumer Price Index for 2022.

Is the County serious with this proposal?

The rest of the County’s offers aren’t much better:


We’re Making Progress, But We Need YOU!

Our elected bargaining team continues to make progress at the bargaining table, but we’re still waiting for the County to respond to all of our major proposals around wages, including cost of living adjustments to keep up with the 8.9% increase in the Consumer Price Index, longevity pay, bilingual premiums, telework, caseloads, vacation sellback, and safety.


Alameda County Workers Say: It’s Time to Staff Up!

On Tuesday, November 1, more than a hundred Alameda County members came out to rally in front of the Board of Supervisors. We let them know that we have a staffing crisis in Alameda County that needs to be solved now.

The day before that, the elected bargaining team passed our final proposals. They include common-sense solutions for improving recruitment and retention, fair wage increases to keep our members ahead of the 8.6% increase in the consumer price index the County itself reported, and much more.


County Workers Say: It’s Time to Staff Up!

On Tuesday, November 1, more than a hundred Alameda County members came out to rally in front of the Board of Supervisors to let them know that we have a staffing crisis in Alameda County that needs to be solved now!

The day before that, our elected bargaining team passed our final proposals, including common-sense solutions for improving recruitment and retention, fair wage increases to keep our members ahead of the 8.6% increase in the consumer price index the County itself reported.


Workers rally to staff up Alameda County!

Across Alameda County on Friday, 10/21, SEIU 1021 workers took a unity break at 10:21 a.m. to show their solidarity. One of their issues is a staffing crisis that has more than 2,300 county positions unfilled according to the county’s own numbers. As the need for Medi-Cal, CalWORKS, CalFresh, and other services skyrockets and Alameda County’s headcount dwindles, SEIU 1021 workers are united in telling the County Board of Supervisors: “It’s time to staff up Alameda County!”