Alameda County – General Chapter

SEIU 1021

County Workers Say: It’s Time to Staff Up!

On Tuesday, November 1, more than a hundred Alameda County members came out to rally in front of the Board of Supervisors to let them know that we have a staffing crisis in Alameda County that needs to be solved now!

The day before that, our elected bargaining team passed our final proposals, including common-sense solutions for improving recruitment and retention, fair wage increases to keep our members ahead of the 8.6% increase in the consumer price index the County itself reported.


Workers rally to staff up Alameda County!

Across Alameda County on Friday, 10/21, SEIU 1021 workers took a unity break at 10:21 a.m. to show their solidarity. One of their issues is a staffing crisis that has more than 2,300 county positions unfilled according to the county’s own numbers. As the need for Medi-Cal, CalWORKS, CalFresh, and other services skyrockets and Alameda County’s headcount dwindles, SEIU 1021 workers are united in telling the County Board of Supervisors: “It’s time to staff up Alameda County!”


Do You Feel Underpaid?

SEIU Local 1021 will be hosting two workshops on how to fight for “equity adjustments,” which are wage increases for specific classifications that can be shown to be underpaid compared to similar job classifications with similar employers.


While We Fight to Solve the Recruitment and Retention Crisis, The County Proposes We Pay More for Healthcare
& Wants a Hard Cap on Vacation Time for All of Us

We’ve been more than clear with management so far: our workforce is suffering as our headcount dwindles and our workload goes through the roof.

So far, management’s only substantive responses have been to propose takeaways and concessions:


Bargaining Surveys Are Out!
Fill Yours Out ASAP on Paper or Online

The elected Bargaining Team has met three times. They have received a financial proposal from the County at one meeting, and have met twice together to review information and contracts. As they start to draft proposals, they need to hear from you.

That’s why you need to fill out your bargaining survey as soon as you can! You can get a paper copy from your Bargaining Team member or field representative, or you can fill it out online at:


SEIU 1021 members in Alameda County win hero pay for county workers

After months of negotiations and member actions including rallies, purpling up on Tuesdays, sharing their stories with members of the board of supervisors, and more, SEIU 1021 members have signed an agreement with Alameda County to receive a one-time payment of $1,500 for county workers. 


We WON Our Hero Pay!

Because of the solidarity of our members, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors has agreed to pay SEIU Local 1021 members of the Alameda County General Chapter, SSA Chapter, and BHCS Chapter a $1,500 hero pay bonus.

To receive the bonus pay, we will need to fill out a self-attestation form (so the County can attribute the payments correctly) between August 4 and August 20, and we expect payments to be issued September 30.

The County is putting together a set of frequently asked questions.

Questions? Ask your representative or elected chapter officer!


Notification of Nominations for Alameda County Bargaining Team

Greetings from the 2022 Alameda County Bargaining Team Election Committee!  We are pleased to announce the nomination period for our 2022 Alameda County Bargaining Team begins May 6th and will run for 30 days until June 5th.  This nomination process marks the commencement steps for negotiations, where members will nominate other members or themselves into positions to represent them at the bargaining table.  


SEIU Alameda County General Chapter Meeting Minutes

SEIU Alameda County General Chapter Meeting Minutes

1. Call to order. Meeting started at 6 p.m. Welcome and introductions given. Tina asked if anyone objected to having the meeting recorded. No objections voiced. Tina wanted to say thanks to all the members here on zoom meeting from the General Chapter departments which consist of ACERA, ACSO, Assessors, Auditor’s-Controller-Recorders, CDA, GSA, EHS, PH, Libraries, DCSS, PWA, Public Defenders, ROV, Treasurers Tax, and Zone 7. Tonight Stewards Cheryl Lott and Christine Lake are excused from the meeting.


Save jobs and services in Alameda County: Volunteer to pass Measure W and Prop 15
Oct. 1, 2020

From the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, public workers in Alameda County have put our safety on the line to continue faithfully serving our community. We are the backbone of the County’s response to this pandemic, and responsible for saving countless lives. As the pandemic continues, we made it clear to the County  that we would not accept balancing the budget on our backs.