City of Chico

SEIU 1021

SEIU 1021 members urge Chico voters to say YES on Measure H

Right now, Chico’s retail tax generates less than half of what it costs to run the city. Chico’s population has grown by nearly 19% in the past 10 years, yet the City has 21 fewer city employees—meaning SEIU 1021 members are doing more with less to serve their community.

The City of Chico works hard to be fiscally responsible while maintaining essential city services. However in recent years, population growth, the Camp Fire, COVID-19, and state mandates have all stressed our City finances, and the City’s budget can’t keep pace.


City of Chico Worker Raises, Hazard Pay Approved by City Council

After 12 years without salary adjustments, SEIU 1021 members working for the city of Chico will finally be seeing a pay raise.

In December, dozens of SEIU 1021 members of city of Chico public works employees showed up united at the city council meeting, sharing their concerns about low wages and short-staffing to the council. 


City of Chico Contract Ratification Info

The contract is being reviewed by both parties for accuracy and content. It should ready for sunshining to the public at the next regularly scheduled city council meeting in March 2013.