City of Berkeley

SEIU 1021

City of Berkeley

SEIU 1021 staff and member leaders are working hard to safeguard your health at work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to find employer-specific information, details, and documents to learn more about what’s happening in your worksite during this outbreak.

Download the City of Berkeley Memorandum of Understanding for the Maintenance and Clerical Bargaining Unit (2021-2024)

Download the City of Berkeley Memorandum of Understanding for the Community Services and PTRLA Bargaining Unit (2021-2024)

Download the City of Berkeley Clerical Unit Chapter Bylaws


With an overwhelming supermajority of 71% YES votes, the City of Berkeley’s Clerical and Maintenance chapters vote to ratify their tentative agreement!

The members turned out in record numbers, and with a 71% YES vote, the historic City of Berkeley maintenance and clerical tentative agreement has been ratified.

The democratically achieved victory was ratified by a supermajority and includes many significant wins, including a historic COLA and protecting the 100% employer-paid medical coverage.

Maintenance Chapter President Danny Walker said, “I’m confident in saying that this is our best contract in 20 years.”


City of Berkeley CSU / PTRLA Chapter Bargaining Team Election Notice and Method of Nominations

These elections shall determine Bargaining Team members.

  • 10 Bargaining Team Members

Method of Nominations

Nominations for Bargaining Team members must be submitted no later than Monday, January 8th at 5:00 pm.  Nominations must be submitted in writing via email to mseberkeley at or made at a general membership meeting.

In order to run for and serve as a Bargaining Team member, candidates shall have been members in good standing for at least one (1) year.


City of Berkeley members build unity and win for newer members

SEIU 1021 members in the City of Berkeley’s Clerical and Maintenance chapter have negotiated an important win for newer members in their last contract: Their contributions to California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) were to be reduced from 8% to 0% between 2022 and 2026. Longer-term employees did not have this deduction coming from their checks. 


City of Berkeley workers are speaking up against understaffing

The City of Berkeley has, like most places, struggled with staffing throughout the pandemic. The need for core services provided by City workers and SEIU 1021 members has spiked, and pressing issues around working conditions, including telework options, adequate leave, and fair compensation, have made it difficult to fill the positions that fulfill those needs.


Low-wage and part-time workers win big with Berkeley’s Fair Work Week Ordinance

On Monday, November 21, 2022, the Berkeley City Council passed an ordinance from Vice Mayor Kate Harrison and the Labor Commission to protect and compensate low-wage and part-time workers at some of Berkeley’s largest employers. The Fair Work Week Ordinance reduces the mental and physical strain of last-minute schedule changes and extreme back-to-back shifts. It requires covered employers to offer part-time workers additional hours before hiring new part-time staff.


City of Berkeley CSU and PTRLA Workers Win a Strong, Fair Contract

SEIU 1021 members rally outside Berkeley's City Hall in their fight fora strong contract.

City of Berkeley workers in the Community Services and Part-Time Recreation Leaders Association chapter tried a bold new strategy for negotiating their new contract, and used it to build unity and win a good contract, comparable to their SEIU 1021 siblings in Clerical and Maintenance. The strategy is called “open bargaining,” and it seeks to involve every member throughout the fight for a contract.


City of Berkeley Clerical and Maintenance Workers Stick Together and Win a Strong Contract

City of Berkeley workers rally for a strong contract outside City Hall.

Early in the morning of June 24, the City of Berkeley’s elected Bargaining Teams for the Clerical and Maintenance chapters reached a tentative agreement with City representatives. The new three-year contract keeps medical and dental benefits at their current levels, and includes cost of living adjustments of 4% in the first year, 3% in the second, and 1% in the third, along with a signing bonus after ratification.


Maintenance and Clerical Chapters Bargaining Update for June 25, 2021

City of Berkeley workers rally in solidarity outside City Hall.

Early in the morning of June 24, your elected Bargaining Teams reached a tentative agreement with City representatives. 

Next, we will vote on accepting it. Voting will take place online between July 1 and July 5, so be sure the Member Resource Center has your personal email address and phone number: 1-877-687-1021


City of Berkeley Legislative Aides win a voice at work by joining SEIU 1021

Last night, Berkeley Legislative Aides employed by the City Council submitted a petition to the Berkeley Personnel Board calling for the same collective voice that other city workers enjoy. After successfully making their case to the Personnel Board, these 17 workers became the newest members of the Berkeley Community Service Chapter of SEIU 1021.


Solidarity and Member-Led Actions Lead to Greater Safety Measures at the City of Berkeley
After a tremendous show of solidarity from their fellow City of Berkeley coworkers, community leaders, and members of other unions, a citywide strike was averted in the late hours of Friday, June 15.

Days leading up to their contract expiration, Berkeley workers held actions almost every day, often drawing hundreds of workers and their families to rallies. From solid waste workers, analysts, parking enforcement officers, clerical staff to librarians and public nurses, workers came out in full force and assembled picket signs in the city hall lobby. They brought together local elected leaders, members from IBEW, AFSCME 3299, Local 1, and IAFF 1277, and fellow SEIU 1021 members from other chapters to join them in a fight for a fair and equitable contract.

Photo gallery

Berkeley Citywide Strike Looms
To Date, More than 900 City of Berkeley Workers Have Authorized A Strike

(Berkeley, CA)—More than 400 hundred Berkeley city workers voted to authorize a strike if city administrators fail to reach an agreement with clerical and maintenance workers over safer working conditions and cost-of-living allowances. More than 400 librarians, public nurses, mental health professionals, and city planners and attorneys represented by SEIU 1021 voted on June 14 to join clerical and maintenance workers in a strike if necessary.