Press Releases

SEIU 1021

Hundreds of SF City Workers plan to March Down Market St in Protest of Mayor’s Refusal to Safely Staff City Services
As tens of thousands of city workers bargain for a new contract, workers will flood the streets to call on the Mayor to #StaffUpSF and invest in the vital services our City depends on


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Contact: Andrew Baker

Hundreds of City Workers plan to March Down Market St in Protest of Mayor’s Refusal to Safely Staff City Services

As tens of thousands of city workers bargain for a new contract, workers will flood the streets to call on the Mayor to #StaffUpSF and invest in the vital services our City depends on


Hundreds of SF City & County Workers Rally to Call on the Mayor to “Staff Up SF” and Solve City’s Staffing Crisis


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Contact: Andrew Baker

Hundreds of SF City & County Workers Rally to Call on the Mayor to “Staff Up SF” and Solve City’s Staffing Crisis

With over 3,800 vacant yet budgeted positions spread across City departments, workers demand solutions to the vacancy crisis impacting essential public services


SEIU Local 1021 President Joseph Bryant’s Statement on the Acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse

November 19, 2021: Oakland, California — Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1021 President Joseph Bryant issued the following statement after jurors acquitted Kyle Rittenhouse of the murder of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber. Rittenhouse shot and killed Rosenbaum and Huber, who were protesting the shooting of Jacob Blake by the Kenosha Police Department in Kenosha, Wisconsin:


SEIU Local 1021 Endorses Public Bank East Bay
The Friends of the Public Bank East Bay and SEIU 1021 Collaborate to Promote Equity and Economic Justice for a Better Future for the East Bay

Oakland, California — SEIU Local 1021’s Alameda and Contra Costa Counties’ respective Committees On Political Education (COPE) have voted to support the Public Bank East Bay. 
SEIU Local 1021 represents nearly 60,000 working people across Northern California, from San Jose to the Oregon border, and is proud to announce their support of and collaboration with Friends of the Public Bank East Bay.


SEIU 1021 Statement on Sacramento City Unified School District Teachers’ Strike

(Sacramento, CA) – SEIU 1021, the union representing 2,000 Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) workers, released the following statement on the teachers’ strike scheduled for Thursday, April 11. SEIU 1021 represents bus drivers, instructional aides, custodians, teachers’ aides, clerks, child care attendants, food service workers, and special education aides across the district’s 81 schools.


SEIU Local 1021 Endorses the Progressive/Labor UNITY Slate in Assembly District 18 Democratic Delegates Election

Oakland, California: As the California Assembly District Election Meeting for Assembly District 18 on Sunday, January 27 nears, workers united in SEIU Local 1021 have endorsed the Progressive/Labor UNITY Slate, citing the candidates’ experience and effectiveness in advancing progressive issues within the East Bay community. Candidates on the Progressive/Labor UNITY Slate come from a diverse background and experience service the public.


SEIU California workers applaud budget that aims to put California dream in reach for all

Sacramento, CA – The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) California released the following statement from Roxanne Sanchez, President of SEIU Local 1021 and SEIU California, on the Governor’s proposed budget:

“California’s budget choices have profound effects on the lives of Californians, and we welcome a budget that builds a foundation for every Californian’s success.  This budget is a strong statement that California can and must do better than a status quo of poverty, hunger, sickness and housing insecurity.