
SEIU 1021


Looking for stories from our latest weekly SEIU 1021 Newswire? Here you go!


Felton Institute workers and community rally to demand critical health and safety improvements and a fair contract
Management’s refusal to address ongoing safety concerns, negotiate a fair contract, and stop interfering with their employees’ union organizing efforts have workers and SF Supervisors furious

Last Thursday, August 10, at noon, Felton Institute workers and concerned community members rallied outside of the Felton Family Development Center to demand management address their ongoing concerns about the health and safety of staff and clients at Felton sites. They also presented a petition for these changes that has garnered hundreds of signatures.


San Jose fast-food workers rally for higher wages and improved working conditions

Fast-food workers in San Jose gathered in a powerful display of solidarity, demanding higher wages and better working conditions on August 2, 2023. The rally was organized by a coalition of local labor unions and advocacy groups, including SEIU Local 1021 and the Fight for $15 & a Union campaign. It drew a diverse crowd of employees from various fast-food chains. Demonstrators voiced their grievances against the persistent issues of low wages and poor working conditions that have plagued the industry for years.


Help fight off a Bay Area traffic nightmare
Tell your elected official to support SB 532 to keep transit safe, accessible, and reliable

Public transit systems in the Bay Area, including AC Transit, BART, and SF Muni, are facing a fiscal cliff due to declining revenues from riders. Without an infusion of revenue, these agencies will be forced to implement drastic cuts that will hurt Bay Area residents who depend on public transit, harm efforts to reduce air pollution, and cost SEIU 1021 members at Muni and BART their jobs.


Public Employment Relations Board rules San Francisco City & County workers have right to strike
The Board struck down provisions in the city charter prohibiting strikes

On July 24, the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) struck down provisions in the San Francisco City Charter that violated city workers’ rights. 

On the list of violations: prohibiting city workers from striking; requiring termination of striking city workers; and stripping workers rehired after striking of their seniority.


Asian Health Services members turn out in huge numbers to strike school

Asian Health Services strike school on July 20 was a huge success, with over half of AHS SEIU 1021 members in attendance. Participants heard important information from SEIU 1021’s legal team and discussed strategies for a successful strike if necessary.

SEIU 1021 AHS members’ recent picket on July 17 had a tremendous impact on the bargaining table, but they’re keeping the momentum going with daily picketing at ALL AHS Sites from July 31 to August 11 between 12 pm and 2 pm.


Support clean air and a healthy climate (and enter to win a t-shirt)!
Submit a comment to the EPA on the proposed standards to cut climate pollution

The time to do nothing is long gone. With ever-growing examples of climate change’s harmful effects, it’s clear the consequences disproportionately affect working people and people of color. SEIU members, families, and communities are directly impacted by the threats of air and water pollution and extreme weather events. 

Power plants are responsible for approximately 25% of the climate pollution that threatens our health and the health of our families, communities, and environment.


United Felton Workers demand management stop risking the health and safety of children, staff, and clients
Sign the petition to keep the clients and workers of Felton Institute safe

There are serious concerns about the health and safety of the children and workers at Felton Institute. In the 2022-2023 school year, staff reported several disturbing events across Felton’s Early Care and Education sites that put the health and safety of many at risk. Make your voice heard and demand crucial changes in the workplace to meet the health and safety needs of the Felton community.


Mendocino County Workers rally in the midst of strike vote to save county services

On Thursday, July 20, Mendocino County workers rallied in the midst of a strike vote to save county services.

Despite total revenue for Mendocino County having increased 44.8% since 2019-2020, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors has continued to bargain in bad faith with its employees. In the most recent negotiations, the County suggested that its employees pay more for their healthcare and retirement – an overall pay cut that will further harm the County’s ability to address its staffing crisis.


“That’s a Wrap!” SAG–AFTRA members go on strike in the era of streaming and AI

July 14, 2023, marked the first time that the Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE), Writers Guild of America West (WGAW), and the Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG–AFTRA) have walked out on strike simultaneously since 1960.

Both the 2023 SAG–AFTRA and WGA strikes have contributed to the most significant interruption to the United States television and film industries since the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020.


Hundreds of Asian Health Services members picket in Oakland’s Chinatown
They demand a fully staffed clinic and new contract

In an urgent rally on Monday, July 17, Asian Health Services healthcare workers joined together to confront a dangerous staffing crisis that is compromising critical health services and putting vulnerable patients at risk. Short staffing has led to excessively long wait times and declining levels of care for patients, impacting vital programs such as dental, membership, and referrals. Patients are facing waitlists of up to six months, with some waitlists containing up to 500 people, and they have reported waiting up to a week just for a referral.


Seventh largest school district in California fails to pay its lowest-paid workers
SFUSD shortchanges staff. Again.

July 12 was supposed to be payday for San Francisco Unified School District staff. Yet, nearly 1,000 of its lowest-paid, hardworking employees, including lunch servers, nutrition workers, janitors, and clerks who help keep San Francisco schools running every day, did not receive their much-needed checks, instead receiving a last-minute email from the district stating that it was “unable to implement that timeline successfully.” Workers were informed their checks wouldn’t be available until two weeks later, on July 26.


SEIU 1021 San Francisco nonprofit workers win big increase to minimum compensation ordinance
They also secured a 3.75-4.75% cost of doing business increase that will be passed on to workers

After many months of advocacy and rallies at San Francisco City Hall, SEIU 1021, supported by SEIU 2015 and community partners, accomplished our goal of securing a 4.75% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA)/cost of doing business (CDB) for our members working for nonprofits funded by the San Francisco Departments of Public Health, Homelessness, and Adult Probation, as well as 3.75% for all other City-funded nonprofits.