SEIU 1021

SEIU California workers applaud budget that aims to put California dream in reach for all


Sacramento, CA – The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) California released the following statement from Roxanne Sanchez, President of SEIU Local 1021 and SEIU California, on the Governor’s proposed budget:

“California’s budget choices have profound effects on the lives of Californians, and we welcome a budget that builds a foundation for every Californian’s success.  This budget is a strong statement that California can and must do better than a status quo of poverty, hunger, sickness and housing insecurity.

“SEIU members share the Governor’s vision that we can make enormous strides toward the California Dream for all when we invest in working people and expect corporations to contribute their part to our shared success.  This budget creates a solid foundation for working families building their families’ future, with smart investments that boost the take-home pay of workers in low-wage jobs, and unleash the potential of working parents in the workplace with early education opportunities and paid family leave options.  The Governor has also extended California’s values of justice and dignity to care for our most vulnerable, restoring crucial care hours for seniors and people with disabilities served by In-Home Supportive Services and investments in housing with supportive services needed to alleviate the crisis of homelessness.

“We look forward to working with the Governor and Legislature to ensure these proposals position California’s people for the greatest success, by ensuring working people have a voice in strengthening our child care system, and taking a comprehensive view of our housing, health care and behavioral health investments to tackle the complex challenges of homelessness.

“As SEIU members, we work day-in and day-out serving at-risk populations, and as we struggle to keep pace with housing and health care costs ourselves, we will continue to advocate to ensure the final budget lives up to California’s values of opportunity, equity, and inclusion.”