Retiree Program
The Retiree Council is composed of delegates from the Retiree Chapters: the Alameda County Retired Employees Chapter, the East Bay Retiree Chapter, the Sacramento County Retirees Group, the San Joaquin Area Retirees Group, the Solano County Retirees Group, the Sonoma County Retiree Chapter, and the West Bay Retiree Chapter.
The Council makes decisions on policy and budget for the Retired members of SEIU 1021. The Council organizes new Retiree chapters. The Council meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month, at 10 am, at 100 Oak St, Oakland, CA 94607, or via Zoom. The Retiree Council organizes the annual Retirees Holiday luncheon in December in Oakland.
To become a Retired member of SEIU Local 1021, you can download the membership application below:
- For California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) Retirees, click here: Application.
- For all other Retirees, click here: Application.
Dues are $36 per year. Members retired from Alameda County and other employers using the Alameda County Retirement System (ACERA) can arrange for automatic dues deduction from your monthly retirement warrant. Members retired from CalPERS jurisdictions can also get automatic dues deductions. For all other Retirees, we ask that you send a check-in December-January for one year’s dues of $36.
The Membership office will send reminder dues invoices in December each year.
- Alameda County Retired Employees Chapter – Retired members in the Alameda County Employees Retirement Assn (ACERA), retired from jurisdictions of Legacy Local 616. These employers are Alameda County, Alameda Health System, Housing Authority of Alameda County (HACA), and the Superior Court of Alameda County. The ACRE Board meets monthly on the first Monday of the month, at 10:30 am, via Zoom or in-person (when announced) at 100 Oak St, Oakland, CA 94607. For more information, please contact President Pete Albert at
- East Bay Retiree Chapter – Retired CalPERS members who worked at jurisdictions of Legacy Local 790: Oakland School District, BART, Peralta Colleges, and the Cities of Oakland, Berkeley, and Richmond or at any other SEIU Local 1021 jurisdiction/employer in the East Bay, other than Alameda County. The East Bay Retiree Chapter meets monthly on the second Thursday of the month at Noon at Harry’s Hofbrau, 14900 E 14th St, San Leandro, CA 94578. For more information, please contact Pat at (510) 830-7335, or at
- Sacramento County Retirees Group –Members retired from jurisdictions in Sacramento County. This group is in the organizing stage and meets on the second Monday of the month. The coordinator is Phyllis Fogg. For more information, please contact Phyllis at
- San Joaquin Area Retirees Group –Members retired from any SEIU Local 1021 jurisdictions, including San Joaquin County, San Joaquin County Superior Courts, and the Valley Mountain Regional Center. This group is in the organizing stage. The coordinator is Dorothy Taylor. For more information on meeting dates and times, please contact Dorothy at (209) 479-4079, or at
- Solano County Retirees Group –Members retired from SEIU Local 1021 jurisdictions in Solano County. This group is in the organizing stage; The coordinator is Kristen Loomis. For more information, please contact Kristen at
- Sonoma County Retiree Chapter –Members retired from SEIU Local 1021 jurisdictions in Sonoma County. The Sonoma Retiree Chapter meets on the last Tuesday of the month. For more information, please contact Chip Atkin at (707) 321-3191 or at
- West Bay Retiree Chapter –Members retired from the City and County of San Francisco, and Retired members of SFERS. The West Bay chapter meets on the third Monday of the month, at Noon, at the union office at 350 Rhode Island Ave, San Francisco, or via Zoom. When the third Monday is a holiday (January & February), the chapter meets on the fourth Monday. For more information, please contact David Williams at (415) 939-5149, or at
- Pensions: Retirees participate in the Retirement Security Committee of SEIU 1021, and follow activities at their own pension systems.
- SEIU 1021 Social and Economic Justice Committee (SEJ): Retirees are active in the workgroups of the SEJ, such as the Environmental workgroup, Lavender Caucus, Women’s Caucus, and Disability Caucus.
- SEIU 1021 Committee on Political Education – Retirees are eligible to serve on county COPE committees of SEIU 1021, and they can be delegates to the SEIU 1021 COPE committee.
- Central labor councils – Retirees can be delegates to county central labor councils. SEIU 1021 Retirees participate in senior and retiree groups, like CARA, the FORUM clubs at central labor councils, Seniors and Disability Action, etc.
- California Alliance for Retired Americans – SEIU 1021 Retirees partner with CARA on their advocacy programs on behalf of seniors and retirees. CARA focuses on legislation at the State and Federal level, and on campaigns like Single Payer California.
- SEIU 1021 New Member Organizing program (NEMO). Formerly the Reserve Organizing Committee (ROC), recruits active and retired members of SEIU 1021 to participate in the organizing campaigns of SEIU 1021.
- SEIU 1021 Medicare for All Committee. This group advocates for a Single Payer healthcare model in California and in the country. Many of our Retired members are active in this group and work with partners like CARA to pursue universal healthcare for all.
Pension systems for SEIU 1021 members:
- California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS)
- San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System (SFERS)
- Alameda County Employees Retirement Association (ACERA)
- Contra Costa County Employees’ Retirement Association (CCCERA)
- Marin County Employees’ Retirement Association (MCERA)
- Mendocino County Retirement Association (MCERA)
- Sacramento County Employees’ Retirement System (SCERS)
- San Joaquin County Employees’ Retirement Association (SJCERA)
- Sonoma County Employees’ Retirement Association (SCERA)
Other pension websites: