SEIU 1021

April 16th 2019 – Meeting Notes


SEIU 1021 RCEB Chapter
April 16th 2019
100 Oak St, Oakland

Attending: Jeff Dix President, Michael Conti VP, Eric Stem Secretary, Brian Leung, Jacqueline
Brambila, Gwynneth Dunne, Eileen Florendo, Alisha Erskine, Dana Palius, Frankie Moore.


I. Quorum: established,
A. Time keeper
B. Review and approved 3/12/19 Eboard minutes.
C. Review and add on items to today’s agenda

II. Standing items:
A. Treasurer’s Report, Eileen calculates around $700 minus today’s lunch ($150)
B. New Hire Orientation was attended by Maria, Brian, and Jeff. It was a smaller group, 7, some

SEIU 1021 RCEB Chapter
April 16th 2019
100 Oak St, Oakland

Attending: Jeff Dix President, Michael Conti VP, Eric Stem Secretary, Brian Leung, Jacqueline
Brambila, Gwynneth Dunne, Eileen Florendo, Alisha Erskine, Dana Palius, Frankie Moore.


I. Quorum: established,
A. Time keeper
B. Review and approved 3/12/19 Eboard minutes.
C. Review and add on items to today’s agenda

II. Standing items:
A. Treasurer’s Report, Eileen calculates around $700 minus today’s lunch ($150)
B. New Hire Orientation was attended by Maria, Brian, and Jeff. It was a smaller group, 7, some
had had prior union experience. Intake scheduler is hired as a scanning clerk but is primarily
scheduling for intake, Kevin Guezman,
C. RCEB Board Meetings: Maria attended March. Jeff agreed to attend April RCEB Board meeting,

III. New Business
A. Steward Training, Jeff suggested checking the website, and urged stewards to try to do basic
steward training.
I.Who attended, he thought Maria had gone 4/16.
2. There is an Intermediate Steward training here 4/30, at 5:30 am; 5/30 is Advanced IL
B. Officer Training. Jeff would like LMC members to attend an LMC training.
1. Alameda Representatives needed
2. Eric gave an over view of CCC COPE from its last meeting.
C. DD Council/Lobbying Day
1. Report back: Jeff went over the 3 asks of lobby day, 8% increase to POS, additional $ for case
management, and retain the closing DC prope1ties as value to the DD System. Jeff mentioned that
San Diego, Senator Stone, was very up to date on this field and very supp01tive.
2. Zoom Conference upcoming, 5/7, 6:30 pm.
3. June Council, Jeff plans to attend. Other members are encouraged to attend.

A. Report Back: Jackie reported LMC is looking at employee evaluations from other RCs.
Discussing how to create evaluations for other positions. Reviewing feedback from staff on workload
reduction. Discussed President/VP attendance rule. Discussed LMC being responsible for following
up on issues. Jackie noted that people can access notes about what LMC is working on. Alisha
noted frustration with putting in suggestions and not seeing follow-up.
B. Tactics/ideas: Jeff asked about accessing Sandis from home for WAH. We need a supervisor
evaluation process.
V. General Membership Meetings