Demand That Wall Street Lower Our Retirement Fees
On August 16 at 9 AM, SEIU members will be flooding The Secure Choice Board meeting at the California Treasurers’ office in Sacramento to protest high fees in our secure retirement fund. High fees that cheat workers out of retirement savings are one more way Wall Street has rigged the economy against working people. On August 16, workers have a chance to fight back and secure a better future for all Californians.
SEIU workers have been at the forefront of creating a new
retirement system that gives every worker the chance to retire
with dignity – whether or not they belong to a union or have an
employer retirement plan. Now we have to ensure Wall Street
doesn’t steal the California dream of a dignified retirement
after a lifetime of hard work on August 16.
SEIU’s Workers Over Wall Street Demands:
- No more than 1% fees on worker savings
- Low-cost investment choices
- A public system staffed by public workers
Here are three ways SEIU members can defend retirement security for all:
- SHOW UP: Attend the August 16 meeting of the Secure Choice Board at 9AM at California State Treasurer’s Office, Room 587, 915 Capitol Mall, Sacramento
- STAND TOGETHER: Find a co-worker to come with you.
- COLLECT STORIES: We all know people in low-wage jobs with no pension whose only retirement plan is working until they die. These stories are a powerful pushback to the Wall Street elite who think we should all pay more for the privilege of saving our own money. Submit stories here: []