SEIU 1021

A statement from SEIU 1021 President Joseph Bryant Sending Condolences to Victims of the Boulder Colorado Shooting and Calling for Reimagined Gun Control Legislation


A message from SEIU 1021 President Joseph Bryant:

“I write this statement with a heavy heart and sweeping shock at the developing headline reports on the active shooter who chose to carry out a vicious and violent attack Monday in Boulder Colorado, killing 10 defenseless civilians.

“At this vital moment of grieving, we must take the time to mourn every victim who lost their life at the hands of the gunman and send our deepest condolences to the families and communities of the victims who are suffering from the inconceivable loss of their loved ones. 

“While the motives for the horrendous shootings have not been clearly identified, gun violence against any members in our communities is unacceptable and must be wholly condemned at every opportunity. We have to send a message to agents of violence and to our public officials in government offices that we do not, and will not tolerate gun violence of any kind. 

“As a union that celebrates diversity and continues to fight for social justice, we must call for an overhaul of the current gun control laws and fight earnestly for reimagined gun control legislation. It is up to us to create a society where our children, loved ones, and friends can exist in the world without the constant threat of being gunned down.”