SEIU 1021

UPDATED City of Oakland Chapter Officer and Supplemental Bargaining Team Election Notice




Governed by SEIU Local 1021 Chapter Bylaws Template


Chapter Officer Positions Open for Election:

All Chapter Officers Shall Serve Two-year Terms (The term of office for these officers shall end March 31, 2024). The member running for office must have been a member in good standing for at least one (1) year and be employed within a bargaining unit represented by the Chapter.


PRESIDENT - The President shall officiate at all meetings and shall be responsible for directing the implementation of directives voted on by the Chapter membership.  The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.  The President shall be one of three (3) officers authorized to withdraw funds from a Chapter account, after such expenditures have been approved by the Chapter Board and/or General Membership. 


1st VICE PRESIDENT/2nd VICE PRESIDENT - The Vice President shall act as President in the absence of the President.  The Vice President shall be one of three (3) officer positions authorized to withdraw funds from a Chapter account, after such expenditures have been approved by the Chapter Board and/or General Membership.


SECRETARY - The Secretary shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of all Chapter Board and General Membership meetings and shall provide a copy thereof to the Secretary of the Local Union upon request.  The Secretary shall receive all correspondence and communications on behalf of the Chapter.  


TREASURER - The Treasurer shall be responsible for Chapter account deposits and dispersals and for carrying out the duties described in Article 4, Subsection (7) [of the SEIU Local 1021 Chapter Bylaws Template].  The Treasurer shall be one of three (3) officers authorized to withdraw funds from a Chapter account, after such expenditures have been approved by the Chapter Board and/or General Membership.  The Treasurer shall present the Chapter financial records for audit at the direction of the Treasurer of the Local Union or his/her representative.

Article 4, Subsection (7) of the SEIU Local 1021 Chapter Bylaws Template states as follows:  The Chapter shall maintain financial records. All funds, including income and expenditures, shall be recorded and proper financial records shall be maintained in accordance with procedures established by the Local Union.  These records shall be transmitted to the Executive Board of the Local Union upon request. All fiscal records shall be kept for a period of at least six (6) years or longer if required by applicable law.


CHIEF STEWARD - The Chief Steward shall serve as a resource for shop stewards in carrying out their duties at the worksite.


COPE COORDINATOR/DELEGATE - The COPE Coordinator/Delegate shall be responsible for providing political information and education to the members of the chapter. S/he shall assist and coordinate with turn-out, COPE cards, and other duties related to political activities of the chapter and Local Union. The coordinator will also be one of the chapter representatives/delegates to the Local 1021 County COPE Committee.


Bargaining Team Positions Open for Election:

The following Bargaining Team positions are open for election for this bargaining cycle:

One (1) Alternate for OPD

One (1) Representative from Building and Planning 

These positions do not require a nomination position. Nominations are by email to with the subject line “OAKLAND BARGAINING TEAM NOMINATION”. Self-nominations are acceptable. Nominations must be received by email no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday March 25, 2022.


Method of Nominations:  

There are two ways to submit a valid petition:

The original petition (not a copy) must be received by no later than 5:00 pm on Friday March 25, 2022 at SEIU 1021 Union Hall – 100 Oak Street, Oakland, 3rd Floor, via hand delivery or mail (City of Oakland Election Committee, SEIU Local 1021, 100 Oak Street, Oakland CA 94607).

A scanned pdf of the original petition (not a copy) must be received via email by no later than 5:00 pm on Friday March 25, 2022. Scanned pdf petitions must be emailed to Julio.Corral@seiu1021.orgwith the subject line “OAKLAND CHAPTER NOMINATION PETITION”

Candidates may submit an optional statement of no more than 150 words.


Method of Voting:  Voting will take place in person at the locations and times in the attached document (SEIU Local 1021 City of Oakland Election Schedule 2022.pdf) on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 and Thursday, March 31. Due to the pandemic, online voting will also be made available. Members who wish to vote online must contact the Member Resource Center (1-877-687-1021) and update their contact information and request to vote online.

Ballot Count:  Ballots will be counted at the SEIU 1021 Union Hall at 100 Oak Street, Oakland, California after voting on March 31. The Election Committee will supervise the ballot count.

Challenges:  Challenges to or disputes arising from a Chapter election must be submitted to the Chapter Election Committee within three (3) working days of the submission of the committee’s election report to the Chapter Board. Challenges must be submitted in writing and must cite specific violation(s) of the Chapter election rules and procedures, Chapter bylaws, or the Local 1021 Bylaws and Constitution. Challenges to the election will be considered valid only if they cite specific violations of election rules and procedures, Chapter bylaws, or the Local 1021 Bylaws and Constitution and if the alleged violation may have affected the outcome of the election. The Chapter Election Committee shall investigate and resolve challenges within ten (10) working days of receipt of the challenge. The Election Committee may order a re-run of all or part of the election.

Appeals:  Challenges or disputes which are denied or cannot be resolved by the Chapter Election Committee may be appealed in writing to the Local 1021 Executive Board within five (5) working days of receipt of the Chapter Election Committee’s decision. The Local 1021 Executive Board shall investigate and respond within fifteen (15) working days of the receipt of the challenge. Challenges to the election will be considered valid only if they cite specific violations of the Chapter election rules and procedures, Chapter bylaws, or the Local 1021 Bylaws and Constitution and if the alleged violation may have affected the outcome of the election.

City of Oakland Chapter Election Committee:


George Henderson – Parks

Enrique Jimenez – Heavy Equipment Mechanic

Harold Scoggins – Head Start


If there are any questions, please contact City of Oakland Field Representative Julio Corral.