SEIU 1021

P103 nurses fight for COVID-19 leave


On Tuesday, January 19, Registered Nurses from San Francisco’s hospitals, clinics, and beyond spoke out at the Health Commission meeting to condemn the ongoing refusal by the city to provide emergency COVID-19 leave to all of San Francisco’s nurses. 

When the city rolled out its COVID-19 leave bank last March, they decided that P103 nurses should not have access to that emergency leave. Many P103 nurses often work full-time hours or beyond in in some of the most dangerous work settings, such as the COVID-19 ICU, quarantine hotels, and street testing. 

COVID-19 doesn’t care whether it’s infecting a permanent civil service nurse or a P103 nurse, so why does the City believe that only one type of nurse deserves access to COVID leave if they or a loved one falls ill? If you want to get involved in our fight for COVID-19 leave for per diem nurses, please email