SEIU 1021

Despite book bans, SEIU 1021 member and Solano County librarian is highlighting the JOY of reading


Mychal Threets, a passionate librarian and proud member of SEIU 1021, is causing ripples of positive change in Solano County through his impactful social media presence.

At the Fairfield Civic Center Library, Mychal has become a vocal advocate for the accessibility of books and the crucial role libraries play in communities. His compelling message transcends age barriers, urging both children and adults to embrace the world of literature by signing up for library cards and actively supporting libraries as indispensable community services.

Mychal emphasizes, “Books must be accessible. Books are joy.”

He also advocates for inclusivity in literature: “Students deserve to see themselves represented on school bookshelves, on library bookshelves, and to see their friends, families, and classmates represented.”

Mychal’s words reflect not only his commitment to literacy, but also his belief in the power of diverse and representative storytelling to empower and connect communities.

Through his online presence, Mychal Threets is not only enriching the lives of Solano County residents but also inspiring a broader conversation about the vital role of libraries in shaping inclusive, vibrant societies.

Follow Mychal on Instagram here.

Check out the full interview with Mychal on KQED here.